Karim’s ARS: Withdrawing from Heroin under pressure to complete his degree

In December I was honoured to record part of Karim’s story of how he found himself in addiction, and the amazing story of his recovery. With his permission, we’ve published 11 clips of him talking in his own words, online.  Anyone can share these videos to learn about addiction, break down some of the stigma around heroin, crack, and homelessness, and find out for themselves that hope for recovery is real.

Karim realises his addiction started long before he picked up his first drug, as his need to ingest legal and socially acceptable things escalated quickly to unusual levels.  Later he describes how wanting to help people led him into the world of addiction, and it’s one of the most powerful forces in his recovery as well.

He survived a near death experience with an overdose, a dramatic story which he tells here which shows the stark and bleakness of the world he knew of heroin, while giving hope by the fact that he lived to tell about it (and bringing me thankfulness to paramedics and front line workers everywhere).

The paramedic saved his life with something called Naloxone.  Life saving naloxone and clean needles are available around our county, as is expertise and support amongst non-judgemental professionals.

Anyone can see Karim sharing his experience of CGL here.  He says, “Everyone in CGL genuinely cares” and “they helped save my life!”  If you live in Cambridgeshire, ring CGL for free help for yourself or a family member on 0300 555 0101 or email cambridgeshirereferrals@cgl.org.uk, as listed on their website. In Peterborough ring CGL Aspire 01733 895624.

Continuing to live with more and more freedom, and more and more peace and confidence often happens when we ask for help.   Scroll down this page to see whether any of these free choices look like they are worth you giving them a try.  Many are ‘mutual aid’ groups, which means they are run by volunteers with their own experience of addiction and recovery.  Many of us find helping others to recover is one of the most satisfying and rewarding parts of living in recovery.  You don’t need money to try recovery.  You don’t need to understand or agree with everything involved with recovery.  You just need a willingness to take a step and give something new a try.

Our short clips on addiction recovery can be useful as each is only a few minutes long.  Since  time is so precious and so many of us are busy.  On the other hand, the contributors voices are extended here where you can hear more of the honesty, struggle and hope of these amazing stories.

2 thoughts on “Karim’s ARS: Withdrawing from Heroin under pressure to complete his degree

  1. Hello guys,

    We met at a police training session at Huntingdon HQ back in 2020. Is karim still around? His story was very impacful. How is he doing these days?

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