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Noticing, experimenting with connecting and recovery
Last month it’s been four years that I’ve been part of The SUN Network and about five years since I started my own recovery. For
2023 Highlight in Addiction Awareness
Thursday morning I tested positive for covid-19, so I had to rearrange my day. My team of volunteers, all who had overcome addiction, homelessness and
Charlottes February 2023 Blog
We’re well into 2023 now. I don’t know about you but for me, January both seemed to last a while and fly by at the
Eating Disorder Awareness Week – Kim’s Yarn Bombing
“Yarn Bombing couldn’t have found me at a better or lower point in my life. It’s seen me through some really tough times and the
We’re holding a training week, and you’re invited!
We’re hosting a series of training sessions from the 12th-16th June at the Maple Centre, Huntingdon, and we’d love for you to attend one or
Leila’s Story
Leila shared her story with us yesterday at our Unlocking Wellbeing event! You can read her story below.