
About The SUN Network Reporting

Our reports are created when we are asked to do specific projects for the local authority (Councils) or the NHS. Usually, we speak to a group of people and anonymously put their feedback into a structured document – then we look for themes within that feedback to understand problems and issues that multiple people are facing. We end our reports with recommendations of how to try and fix the issues that have been highlighted. 

It’s The SUN Network’s job to make sure that people who fund services continue to hear the challenges that people using and needing mental health and drug and alcohol support services are experiencing. Sometimes we do this by producing the reports below.

Where possible, we facilitate the process of people within our communities that need or use mental health or drug and alcohol services, working side by side with the people who fund or deliver services to get their voice heard and respected, to help make meaningful changes and improve support services. On a day-to-day basis, we listen to people’s experiences about accessing mental health, drug and alcohol, dementia and neurodiversity support services and publish that information here.

Reports - 2024

ADHD Report – November 2024

We spoke with people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to try and understand what support they would like to see for someone who has ADHD or thinks they may have ADHD. The report highlights the importance of a diagnosis and the need for better, more reliable information around ADHD.

Dementia Survey Report – December 2024

This is a report to showcase the feedback that The SUN Network received when asking members of the community about their experiences of seeking support for dementia or suspected dementia. We spoke with people living with dementia and their carers all over Cambridgeshire and Peterborough to understand what could improve the level of support they are currently getting. We have created recommendations, which are detailed in the report, and this has been shared with the NHS and local councils to let them know the improvements that people would like in dementia care.

P3 Supported Living Service Report – July 2024

We visited individuals who are living in supported housing in Cambridge and Huntingdon to gain feedback and ensure residents are feeling safe and supported by the current provider (P3). This report highlights what residents liked about their accommodation, but also mentions what they think could be improved on. This report was shared with Cambridge County Council, allowing them to gain knowledge on what needs to improve to help residents move on from supported living.

Review of Day Services for Acquired Brain Injury – July 2024

The SUN Network were commissioned by Cambridgeshire County Council to gather feedback around patient and family/carer experiences of Headway, a Cambridge service specialising in supporting people with an acquired brain injury. The report explains why individuals felt such specialist care was essential to the people that attend Headway.