Scott: Addiction Recovery Story: early days sober

Scott worked in the military and never noticed a problem with his drinking.  Then he changed careers and started a job that was very stressful and where he saw trauma regularly.  This seemed to be linked to him having a drink to unwind after a tough shift, which escalated until he was drinking all night long, hiding it and fearing he’d lose his job due to his misuse of alcohol.

He went into detox but, like often is the case, it didn’t ‘stick’ that time.  He found himself drinking as more of his relationships were damaged by his drinking.  His drinking was both the cause and the attempt at a solution to his problems, which were getting bigger and bigger.

It got to the point of him attempting suicide, but he had family and some of his supportive colleagues stood by and helped him.  Facing the possibility of losing his life was the perspective he brought into another attempt at detox, and this time he did residential rehab as well.

Scott found a way to stop drinking alcohol.  He found some understanding of why he had drank and he developed new ways to cope and new perspectives.  He’s now passionate about sharing his story and helping to break the stigma of addiction, especially in the workplace.

Even during the covid-19 lockdown, CGL, Change Grow Live, offers free support for anyone wanting to address their substance misuse issues and expertise and support from non-judgemental professionals.  If you live in Cambridgeshire, ring CGL for more information on 0300 555 0101 or email, as listed on their website. In Peterborough, ring CGL Aspire 01733 895624.

Our short clips on addiction recovery can be useful as each is only a few minutes long.  Since  time is so precious and so many of us are busy.  On the other hand, the contributors voices are extended here where you can hear more of the honesty, struggle and hope of these amazing stories.

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