The SUN Network have been working together with Rethink Cambridgeshire to follow the mental health journeys of service users and carers across a year to see exactly what the experience is like for them. Can they access mental health services at a time when it is needed? Are unpaid carers filling in the gaps between services? Do people know where to go for mental health support? Is there a consistency of service?
The report offered here is an interim report completed after the first set of interviews. The participants will be interviewed twice more at the 6 month and 1 year marks and comparable reports will be written.
You can read the report by clicking the link The Winding Road Interim Report Dec 2019
If you are looking for mental health support in Cambridgeshire there is a website that can signpost you to the support you are looking for.
For crisis and urgent mental health support please ring NHS111 Option 2.